
Present Time Intuition Wisdom Protection

Labradorite is the stone of seeing, and it is said that all shades of the human eye can be seen in the multicolored flash- because it helps us in being able to see fact vs false. What is true and real. When we gain the wisdom to discern truth we are able to release untruths that hold us in toxic patterns and relationships. Labradorite is here to help guide our intuition and seek personal truths.
Labradorite for Littles: There is an old story told by Canadian natives that says Labradorite has the Northern Lights, known as the Aurora Borealis, trapped inside of it. It is believed that the lights were “set free” by one of their ancestors who broke through the rocks with his spear. The lights that remained were set into stone to remind us that a special light is in all of us! Can you see the light in the Labradorite? What kind of special light is in you?

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